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2019 – 2020
After another fantastic year of live music at Evershot Village Hall, Rachel and Andy are getting ready for the 2019-2020 season. This will include several quizzes, some favourite bands and, by popular demand, some new and different music genres. Some of these will be in partnership with Dorset Artsreach who continue to supply us with such an exciting variety of new and emerging music, dance and drama companies to choose from.
We would like to say a big thank you to all those helpers that have given their time this year – we can’t run events without them! Moreover, we are also looking for more volunteers to help us out on event evenings – roles ranging from helping behind the bar, on the door or marshalling in the car park – speak to Andy or Rachel at the next event if you would like to get involved.
Dates for some of these events are still being finalised so continue to look out for more information or sign up for email updates via the mailing list at
Dates for your diary:
Saturday 21st September – Quiz at Village Hall
7pm for 7.30pm start
Teams of 6 (£30 per team) – includes jacket potato and meat/vege options (bring own utensils) – bar – booking essential on 01935 83784
Saturday 26th October – Evershot’s Oktoberfest!
With music by the wonderful Sherbavarian Stompers (part of Sherborne Town Band – check out their website for more information and video clips!) and suitably authentic beer and food!
Thanks – Andy and Rachel McAney